Please contact me if you are interested in ordering a leash.

The options available for a custom braided kangaroo items are endless. You pick the strand count (4, 6 or 8 strands), colors (over 30 to pick from!), beads (yes or no), hardware, braided buttons and pattern (if using more than 1 color).
I always think it is odd when leash makers say their leads are only for showing. Why buy a leash if you can’t enjoy it? Their answers come back to strength and reliability. If a leash is not strong enough for every day use, should you really trust it in the show ring?
While I agree that the lead size and hardware needs to match the dog, I ENCOURAGE you to use my leads for training! They are exceptionally strong and the perfect lead for training your dog.
Please contact me for more information -

Basic or ornate,
you decide!

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